
Zendala Moon

This week’s Diva Challenge was to create a monotangle with Tanglations of Crescent Moon.  I love teaching this tangle because everybody naturally comes up with their own version of it.  And they are all lovely.

The first thing I did was get out my sketchbook and start trying to come up with cool tangleations. Usually, this isn’t something I can force, but I was in the “Zen Zone” today and came up with a dozen before I started getting too silly.

My regular Crescent Moon plus a few brighter ones.
Getting fancy by moving the “ladybugs” and
experimenting with other tangles.
Zebra moon and Racing stripes are my favorites.
Getting carried away. Time to quit and get to the challenge.

I knew I wanted to try a monotangle Zendala.  (I seem to have fallen into a Zendala hole and can’t tangle my way out of it!)

Even with all of my samples, this was a challenge.  I started at the center with my regular Crescent Moon and worked outwards, using “bright moon” then a “purky moon variation” and then a “racing stripes” variation. Doesn’t it look like a whole lot more?

With every different tangle, the whole mood of the piece changed.  It was a very interesting experience.  I wish I had taken pictures at every step so you could see the whole evolution.  I only have the “finished” project

before shading
and after shading.

Don’t you just love a great big Zendala moon?

16 thoughts on “Zendala Moon

  1. This one is stunning thanks so much for the variations. I have a little friend (6 with cancer 😦 ) who I am visiting today and I am going teach her some tangling and your variations will be very helpful.


  2. Moondanced – good one. I had all kinds of punny moon saying I was going to include, but didn't think of that one. I really like Zebra moon aslo. Great minds…


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