
If at First You Don’t Succeed…

Yesterday was a tough day.  John’s Aunt Gerri passed away. She was always smiling, always caring, and didn’t take herself too seriously. If we ever wanted to feel loved, all we had to do was call Ma tante Germaine. She was always excited to hear from us and showed how much she appreciated our time together.

Aunt Gerri Modeling Birdie’s Duct Tape Hat

I tangled for hours and it helped.  I finished the 10 ATCs and then was able to talk about it.  

So, today I decided to try the Diva Challenge again.  This one I like.  Hope you do too.
Have a joyful Thanksgiving.  As always, thanks for visiting and happy tangling.

11 thoughts on “If at First You Don’t Succeed…

  1. So sorry to hear of your loss!! And oh my, Aunt Gerri looks like she is full of sugar and spice!!! Everyone needs an Aunt Gerri in their lives!! At least she has given you so many memories to keep you smiling!!! xo :0) Peace be Yours and Thank You!!!


  2. Cris, I am terribly sorry for your loss, but I am glad you could channel your emotions into your art. I am thankful that we have such a powerful tool for creativity and mindfulness! Your piece is great. Way to go for sticking with this challenging challenge until you created something you enjoyed! Thinking of you….


  3. She looks SUCH a sweetie…so sorry for your loss. It's interesting that Zentangle helped with your feelings. The tile you show here is really beautiful. It's made me think differently about Pea-nuckle too. Best wishes. Axxx


  4. I am sorry to read about your loss, Chris -fantastic that you have fun memories like this recorded to reflect back on. It's great that you had another go at the challenge, particularly if you weren't happy with the first round – I have trouble letting a challenge go if I can't nail it. LOL. But that may be just me.Your peanuckle/well combo looks terrific. I love how your photograph has caught the glittery goodness.


  5. My condolences to you and your family at a time of loss. Thats always hard to take. I really like your entry to the challenge. It just pops out at me, the way you present the patterns. I like it very much. Chin up and keep tangling.♪♥♫☼


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