
Color at the Beach

This week’s Diva challenge, by guest blogger CZT Jen Crutchfield is to tangle in color. I’m at the beach with minimal art supplies: only my basic Zentangle kit and my travel watercolor kit. A long as you only wanted red, I could show you plenty color on me though. Even though I used SPF 70, I am as red as a lobster. Perhaps I shouldn’t go in the sun at all.

For today at least, I am sitting inside and making art and wishing I was down on the beach. At least I have a great view. The challenge was to use 2-3 colors. I didn’t think simply tangling with my brown, black, and white pens was what she had in mind, so I used brown and 2 shades of blue watercolor to make a beach background.

my workspace
Mom’s condo is a great place to tangle, but I’d rather have my toes in the sand.

Then I tangled my colored tile with my three different pens. In brown, I tangled Sand Swirl (?), and Margaret Bremener’s Cockles and mussels. In black, I used Norma Brunell’s Dragonair, snailz, indyrella, onamato, and ???. Finally, I finished with some white tipple and some black aah in the sky as a pale imitation of the fireworks on the beach.

A beachy stack.

Finally, here is one I did on the 4th using the same patriotic color scheme as Jen.

4th of July tangle
Auraknot, striping, and aah for the stars and stripes on Independence Day.

22 thoughts on “Color at the Beach

  1. Both great tiles, and both so different. I like the background from the first one to define your string. Also nicely stacked. In the secontd one I like the colorcombinations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I left it as a surprise for my mom. You are right about beach scenes. She probably has 2 dozen beach signs in the condo. However, your comment has me seriously thinking of writing an e-book about beach-inspired tangling.


  2. Ahh, your ocean view! What an inspiring place to be, I’m sure. I love your tiles. Especially loving your beachy stack. Get some aloe on you and rest up! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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