
Trick or Treat

I hope you weren’t too scared by that black cat.

I had an MRI after my vertigo incident last month and now I am waiting to see an oncology neurosurgeon. I will admit that I’m a little scared! It feels like a Halloween trick! Healing prayers, thoughts, etc. are welcome.

I hope your Halloween is full of treats and not tricks.

22 thoughts on “Trick or Treat

  1. Oh Cris! I feel for you and the anxiety you must be going through. I was told just this last February ‘Oh,…..and you have a tumor in your heart’. That alone darn near scared the life out of me. But it turned out to be benign and all is well. Ta-da! May the same happen for you. Just wish they wouldn’t take so bloody long in getting you your results 😡

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  2. I’m impressed that you have the capacity to produce such a whimsical, charming cat for this week’s Diva challenge as you wait for your appointment. I’m thinking of you and sending all sorts of positive vibes from Philly. I wish I had known about Zentangle the time I was waiting for my MRI results.

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  3. Well, Chris, mine was spinal and I am pretty much fully recovered so there is hope after fear, really there is. I’m not the praying sort, so I’m sending a Yorkshire hug and cuddle and hoping like mad that the worst thing about all this is the fright it’s given you. Chin up, dear…

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  4. Thanks for the white cat.  She looks sweet and loving to me.  Happy Halloween, and All Saints day to you, tomorrow.I want to tell you that I am enjoying your books Made in the Shade, and Pattern Play very much.  Their presentation is very inspiring and helpful.  Thank you for them.  I also want to wish you healing and renewed health,  as you go forward with your oncology neurosurgeon. Kathy Flewelling, Proctor WV 

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